Butzi's Response and actions to COVID-19
We hope you are trying to find a little light during these trying times in Toronto, Ontario and in the World. At this time, more than ever before, the well being of our all clients, recipients, employees and community are the upmost importance to us.
Please know that we are taking every single Ontario Health recommended steps in our offices and manufacturing facilities. These include the option for some of our employees to work from home (Remotely) and continue to practice social distancing, and other safe practices to help protect and supports our production teams and you, our valued customers.
At this time, our full line of gifts are available, plus we have adjusted our offers to include care packages composed of hearty food items to make a complete meal Also, this is the time to send your love with gifts to people celebrating special occasions in isolation to show you care even when you cannot be there.
Thank you for your continued patronage, loyalty and we look to support our community and country as best we can during these uncertain times.
With best hopes and clean hands, we send you hugs from a far be half of all of us at Butzi.
Butzi Gift Basket Team

-From our heart to yours -